Over the past few releases, the ScienceLogic SL1 platform has assembled a foundation for building and executing workflow automations including: A scalable automation workflow framework (SL1 PowerFlow) Out-of-the-box workflows for automated ticketing, case management, event management, service onboarding, noise reduction, and CMDB upkeep (Synchronization PowerPacks for ServiceNow and other ticketing platforms) A low-code workflow authoring… Continue reading SL1 Duomo Release: Fueling Your Flight to AIOps with Workflow Automations
Author: webmaster@sciencelogic.com
SL1 Duomo Release: Fueling Your Flight to AIOps with Workflow Automations
Today, Monopoly has hundreds of different editions across all media, expanding to 103 countries and being printed in 40 languages. Speaking of scaling your business, here’s the latest news in AIOps, ITOps, and IT infrastructure monitoring. 1. Gartner’s top tech trends for CIOs in 2022 are about digital experiences. CIOs are taking a huge role in… Continue reading News Roundup November 5, 2021
News Roundup November 5, 2021
DoDIN Approved Product List (APL) Overview The role of the U.S. government as a major consumer of enterprise technology hadn’t gotten much attention, until the last few years. It would be easy to assume that selling and integrating technology in federal environments was not a focus for technology vendors, or that federal enterprises were the… Continue reading Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL): What is it and Why it Matters
Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL): What is it and Why it Matters
It’s a never-ending story for IT administrators that technology keeps changing and growing more complicated. For years, successful organizations relied on their Configuration Management Database (CMDB) to track and manage configuration items (CIs: infrastructure, assets) and their relationships. However, CMDBs are based on structured, relational models – a method that worked well for decades, but… Continue reading Supercharging Your ServiceNow CMDB Using ScienceLogic’s Service Graph Connector
Supercharging Your ServiceNow CMDB Using ScienceLogic’s Service Graph Connector
The past three months has seen Zebrium reach several major milestones! We moved from beta to production and our platform is now in use by industry leading customers who rely on Zebrium to keep their production applications running. We were named in the Forbes AI50 list as one of “America’s Most Promising Artificial Intelligence Companies”.… Continue reading Zebrium Named a 2020 Gartner Cool Vendor
Zebrium Named a 2020 Gartner Cool Vendor
It took Carlson being rejected by more than 20 businesses over the next decade before he caught the interest of a major company that led to his Xerox machine changing the world. Speaking of changing the world with innovation, here’s the latest news in AIOps, ITOps, and IT infrastructure monitoring. 1. Discover AIOps trends and… Continue reading News Roundup October 22, 2021
News Roundup October 22, 2021
Security is a fundamental tenet for any organization that develops technologies for deployment in today’s enterprises. It’s not enough to have a good idea and to build an appliance, create a service or application, or write code that manifests that idea for customers that find it worthwhile. The product must be hardened against the many… Continue reading Modernizing Your IT Operations with a Secure Foundation
Modernizing Your IT Operations with a Secure Foundation
Manual incident management is an enormous challenge facing today’s enterprises. It wastes time and money, and often results in unhappy customers who have to deal with unreliable services because of persistent, unresolved issues. Manual ticket generation can take 20 to 30 minutes, and routing another 90—assuming the ticket is delivered to the right team. Automated… Continue reading Achieving 86% Productivity Gains Through ITSM Automation
Achieving 86% Productivity Gains Through ITSM Automation
The model had to endure a procedure that took six hours and used a dozen brass curlers that weigh two pounds each. Speaking of using innovation to speed up processes, here’s the latest news in AIOps, ITOps, and IT infrastructure monitoring. 1. Facebook apps offline for over five hours. The Washington Post reports that… Continue reading News Roundup October 8, 2021
News Roundup October 8, 2021
These teams design, plan, test, configure, deploy, monitor, and adjust critical network devices on a frequent basis so their traffic loads and service levels are continuously met. In the world of hybrid cloud, this includes managing a complex fabric of edge and core routers/switches as well as key connection points between data centers, WAN providers,… Continue reading Facebook Outage: The Case for Configuration & Change Management