ScienceLogic maximizes your ServiceNow investment by improving your CMDB, and helping you automate your IT processes.
ServiceNow + ScienceLogic = Better Together
The emerging market for AIOps is entering a new stage of growth, and ScienceLogic is taking it in a bold new direction.
A New Leader Is Crowned
Meet ScienceLogic’s Leo Nieuwesteeg, Director Product Management and Logician Corner Lab Leader.
Meet Leo Nieuwesteeg, Director Product Management
Software-Defined Data Centers (SDDC) are dynamic and transient in nature, often causing managerial headaches and monitoring nightmares. But there’s a fix – here’s how to monitor and manage your SDDC.
Monitoring and Managing Today’s Software-Defined Data Center
Meet ScienceLogic’s Maureen Cannon, Senior Product Manager and Logician Corner Lab Leader.
Meet Maureen Cannon, Senior Product Manager
Both open source platforms support multi-vendor application deployment, orchestration, and management. But while OpenStack may have found its niche, Kubernetes is becoming the dominant vehicle.
Why Kubernetes will deliver on the hype and avoid the OpenStack pitfalls
In addition to Incident Management, SL1 is certified for CMDB, Service Catalog, and Change Management workflows.
ScienceLogic SL1 Achieves Multi-Release ServiceNow Certification: Here are Five Benefits You’ll Immediately Receive
AIOps is an innovative framework that combines AI/ML to address operational complexity in IT – ScienceLogic is enabling our partners to capitalize on this opportunity.
Capitalizing on AIOps for Channel Partners
In today’s conclusion to our three part series, we’ll discuss the savings associated with minimizing your monitoring tool kit.
Three Reasons Why You Might Have Cloud Monitoring Problems: Part 3: A Solid Case for Hard and Soft Cost Savings (Show Me the Money!)
The Big Four’s exit from the IT monitoring landscape gives an opportunity to upgrade/consolidate your monitoring tools. Today, we’ll focus on the people and processes necessary to monitor the cloud.