1. Monitoring and AIOps delivers the ultimate DevOps platform. This piece in DevOps Zone details how investing in innovative monitoring and alerting tools and procedures is key to fully embracing AIOps. When it comes to delivering software through a DevOps model, the primacy of the platform is increasingly evident. DevOps platforms are multi-tenant, self-service oriented,… Continue reading News Roundup, February 11: What’s Happening in AIOps, ITOps, and IT Monitoring
Author: webmaster@sciencelogic.com
How is IT modernization progressing in the public sector?
1. ScienceLogic 2022 predictions: reach AIOps maturity in 2022, transform the IT estate by 2025. ScienceLogic’s own Rajiv Patnam, VP of Global Solutions, discussed important AIOps observations for 2022 in vmblog.com. At the end of 2020, many expected the pressures of the pandemic to accelerate AIOps adoption in 2021. They were half-right, especially when AIOps… Continue reading News Roundup, January 28: What’s Happening in AIOps, ITOps, and IT Monitoring
News Roundup, January 28: What’s Happening in AIOps, ITOps, and IT Monitoring
When a business-impacting event occurs, it’s critical that the right people are kept in the loop and that work to resolve the issue begins promptly. Unfortunately, many organizations lack a way to communicate both internally and externally in a proactive and consistent way to make this happen. As a result, issues that should be fixed… Continue reading Automating Notification & Response with Notification & Collaboration Tools
Automating Notification & Response with Notification & Collaboration Tools
If automated operations is the endgame, then investing in an AIOps platform that enables automation will get you there. ScienceLogic has been focused on the journey to automated IT operations (AIOps) for years. Over the last few years, we’ve proven out the workflow automation within the SL1 platform specifically as it relates to incident and… Continue reading Stepping Closer to AIOps with Workflow Automation
Stepping Closer to AIOps with Workflow Automation
Goals of Modernizing Government Technology When the U.S. Congress passed the Modernizing Government Technology Act (MGT) of 2017 as part of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, it established both funding and a process intended to help bring aging federal IT systems and infrastructure up-to-date with state-of-the-art technologies common in the private sector. According to… Continue reading Modernizing Government Technology: How Federal Agencies Are Progressing on Technology Transformations
Modernizing Government Technology: How Federal Agencies Are Progressing on Technology Transformations
To fix those problems, enterprises are investing in IT operations management systems that can handle the demands of modern technology. This is reflected in recent Deloitte Tech Trends findings in which 74% of IT leaders surveyed said the adoption of IT process automations had increased their operational efficiency, while 59% also reported automations had contributed… Continue reading How MSP Content+Cloud Turned a Cost Reduction Mandate into New Revenue Generation
How MSP Content+Cloud Turned a Cost Reduction Mandate into New Revenue Generation
1. Learn how General Datatech plans more acquisitions after getting a new investment. This piece in CRN details how the new leadership at General Datatech made changes, including using ScienceLogic as part of their platform and are anticipating a period of unprecedented growth by making some carefully selected acquisitions. General Datatech, more commonly known as… Continue reading News Roundup, January 14: What’s Happening in AIOps, ITOps, and IT Monitoring
News Roundup, January 14: What’s Happening in AIOps, ITOps, and IT Monitoring
Overview of Data Federation However, just as the complexity of the modern enterprise has evolved, so too have the systems and techniques used to manage the complexity and keep your IT infrastructure operating at its best. Data federation is one of the innovations helping to make that happen. What is Data Federation? Data federation is… Continue reading Data Federation and the Modern Enterprise
Data Federation and the Modern Enterprise
This project is a favorite of mine and so I wanted to share a glimpse of what we’ve been up to with OpenAI’s amazing GPT-3 language model. Today I’ll be sharing a couple of straightforward results. There are more advanced avenues we’re exploring for our use of GPT-3, such as fine-tuning (custom pre-training for specific… Continue reading Using GPT-3 for plain language incident root cause from logs