As technology evolves and IT systems become too complex for humans alone to manage, enterprises need to work towards an autonomous business model. This state – known as “Autonomic IT” – unlocks the transformative potential of automation and generative AI to help businesses resolve issues faster, minimize customer interruptions, and drive innovation. 

However, achieving an Autonomic IT state is not a simple plug-and-play process. It is a gradual evolution, a journey 

A crucial aspect of this journey is reconfiguring the IT environment to prioritize data quality and integrity so it can be synthesized from across IT operations and leveraged for machine-driven analysis, remediation recommendations, and self-healing, self-optimizing IT ecosystems.    

Let’s explore what’s required to become a data-driven enterprise in the context of Autonomic IT and how organizations can overcome challenges along the way. 

Challenges to Achieving Autonomic IT 

As enterprises progress from manual- to machine-powered operations, data and visibility challenges can hinder their ability to attain a truly Autonomic IT state.  

These obstacles stem from tool sprawl and data silos. The average enterprise uses 20 or more toolsets to monitor and manage its IT estate. This vast array of tooling can make gaining visibility and insight into the IT environment incredibly difficult. These fragmented tools may even generate conflicting data, leading ITOps teams to work against each other when attempting to identify and fix problems. 

A tool-intensive approach to IT monitoring and management is also highly manual and human-driven, resulting in slow response times, high costs, and reduced operational efficiency. This state is the very antithesis of Autonomic IT. Instead of optimizing IT operations, teams are more focused on resolving issues. 

A New Mindset is Required 

Streamlining operations by consolidating tools involves making difficult decisions about which monitoring and management tools to add and which to retire. 

Many IT leaders struggle at this stage in the journey to Autonomic IT, especially as IT ecosystems have expanded to include numerous systems, apps, and microservices, each specific to individual IT components and business services. Removing some of these in favor of others can seem risky. 

However, enterprises must recognize that to overcome the challenges hindering IT efficiency and digital innovation, they must unify their systems. By consolidating tools and breaking down data silos, they can gain a single source of truth and visibility into the entire IT environment, even third-party integrations 

They can also begin to leverage machine-assisted analysis and human-friendly generative AI insights to quickly diagnose root cause, speed MTTR, and significantly reduce manual effort.  

For instance, a multinational IT services firm, partnered with ScienceLogic to address tech sprawl, siloed monitoring tools, and visibility gaps across hundreds of applications in 350 locations. The state of their original IT environment led to high levels of incident noise, long MTTR, and a diversion of resources, making proactive business enablement difficult. Using ScienceLogic’s SL1 platform – the foundation of any Autonomic IT framework – the company eliminated seven legacy monitoring tools, obtained 100% visibility of assets, and reduced major incidents by 50% – resulting in ROI in less than a year. 

Advancing the Autonomic IT Journey  

As their confidence in their data and new ways of working grows, ITOps teams can advance to the AI-advised IT phase of their Autonomic IT journey.  

With a single, coherent system of operational data, organizations can embrace advanced AI/ML to empower engineers to work more efficiently.  

With this AI-powered, data-driven partnership, lower-level engineers will have a trusted advisor to help them resolve issues that previously required top-tier expertise. They can also leverage intelligent workflows for automated issue identification, remediation recommendations, and initiated actions without the need for constant oversight. 

At this point, Autonomic IT is within reach. For instance, with a real-time operational data lake and context-driven insights, organizations can achieve a fully autonomous, self-optimizing state. One in which:  

  • Performance data can be seamlessly integrated with existing ITSM and CMDB tools.  
  • Automation workflows and AI advisors can be leveraged for a self-healing and self-optimizing environment. 
  • IT leaders gain a comprehensive understanding of how the business runs across the entire tech stack, down to the business service level. 

Empower Your Business with Autonomic IT and the ScienceLogic SL1 Platform 

IT complexity and digital transformation demand a new data-driven approach to adopting and managing IT investments, particularly if organizations want to ensure excellent customer experiences and increased profitability as they modernize.  

Autonomic IT is that approach. 

Autonomic IT leverages AI and automation to quickly resolve issues, minimize customer disruptions, and deliver innovation to the market faster. It also reduces operational expenses by automating manual tasks, freeing up resources and capital to build new value-added services and revenue streams.  

Autonomic IT also provides a clear, comprehensive understanding of how a business runs across the entire technology landscape, with human-friendly insights that empower proactive decision-making for a competitive edge and a tangible bottom-line impact. 

None of these capabilities would be possible without the global observability and quality data supported by the ScienceLogic SL1 platform. 

SL1’s powerful combination of tools consolidation capabilities, data collection, integration, and sharing, AI/ML-driven insights and recommendations, and automated processes make Autonomic IT possible and within reach.  

Learn how you can accelerate your journey to Autonomic IT. Check out our eBook.