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- 157% Return on InvestmentForrester TEI ReportRead the Report
Forrester examined four enterprises running large, complex IT estates to see the results of an investment in ScienceLogic’s SL1 AIOps platform.
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See how this year’s winners have demonstrated exceptional creativity and set new standards in leveraging the ScienceLogic AI Platform to solve complex IT Ops challenges.
Goodbye EM7, Hello SL1: A New, Defining Moment for ScienceLogic
Unlike some competitive solutions, which use hard-coded declarations to attempt to join technology elements together, we use smart rules to define the connectivity between technologies, resulting in..

New ScienceLogic SL1 enables Ops to move at the speed of Dev, so enterprises can move at the speed of opportunity.

It is amazing what can happen in the span of a decade and a half. When we first started ScienceLogic, the world had yet to hear of things called iPhones. Apps were things you ordered before your entrée and streaming was used to describe the flow of liquid.
Things have changed a lot, both in the world as well as for our company. About a week ago, when I received word we had been awarded the patent on our core mapping technology (Dynamic Component Mapping +Relationships), I was euphoric. It was a realization that all the time, blood, sweat, and tears were finally going to pay off and I could not have been prouder for the entire team.
Today’s SL1 launch is a defining moment in our history and represents the most recent milestone on a journey and our collective organizational wisdom that has been nearly ten years in the making.
That patent on our novel approach to solving a super-complex, dynamic relationship challenge has made me look back on the efforts that have led to today’s launch; while it has been really hard to be patient for so long, our perseverance has made us a definitive leader in solving the IT challenges facing enterprises today.
Looking Back on the Journey–From EM7 to SL1
Roughly ten years ago, the first digital native companies started redefining customer experiences, creating customer expectations that were more demanding. Companies rushed to create new, innovative digital experiences and everything from paying bills to shopping went from the physical world to digital.
But this new digital paradigm and influx of new technology caused problems for modern IT operations teams who were challenged to maintain ever-more-complex applications operating in ever-more-complex environments and with ever-more-complex delivery models.
Throughout this period, we watched the market, listened to our customers and analyzed the relationship between digital agility and business success. As businesses relied increasingly on digital ephemerality–existing across cloud, private cloud, and legacy data centers–we saw something counterintuitive taking shape: businesses were collecting more data than ever before, yet had less meaning and insight into it.
Simple questions like, “What is this device connected to, and how?” were not so simple anymore and traditional monitoring and management tools like APM could not deliver the depth and breadth of visibility and understanding across technology silos–from application to infrastructure–which are needed to sustain the resiliency and proactive ML/AI insights operations demanded.
The fundamental problem? Enterprises lacked context in their operational data, and big data without context is noise. If automation is the end-game, AIOps the pathway, then context is the key that unlocks the door.
This journey of understanding and discovery has culminated in this moment, this patent and our launch of ScienceLogic SL1.
See. Contextualize. Act. A Patented Approach
Although I am extremely proud of the many problems our EM7 platform solved, I can’t stress the importance of this new patent enough. It underscores just how unique our mapping approach is and includes 20 specific claims that lie at the heart of why we contextualize data better than anyone else in the industry.
Unlike some competitive solutions, which use hard-coded declarations to attempt to join technology elements together, we use smart rules to define the connectivity between technologies, resulting in the most accurate and complete view of the topology of today’s highly dynamic environments.
It is the Holy Grail of AIOps and needless to say, I am very excited about the new levels of automation and capabilities we will bring to our customers’ in the digital enterprise.
Building up and working towards today has not always been easy and there were no shortages of challenges and frustrations along the way. Thank you to all of our engineers, product managers, support teams, customers, partners and everyone else who had a hand in conceptualizing, designing, building, testing, and now rolling out ScienceLogic SL1.
We have created the foundation for the next phase of our company’s evolution, and I can’t wait to see where it takes us together.