Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by ScienceLogic’s SL1 Platform

Due to growing IT complexity, having a unified view of all service components and reducing manual work is imperative to keeping up with demand and enabling growth. This means simplifying tools and speeding up projects so that your business can scale to meet the needs of new customers.

Service provider NetDesign set out to do just that by overcoming these challenges:

  • Poor client infrastructure visibility
  • Expensive, multiple tools
  • Heavy manual labor
  • Client infrastructure downtime

In order to document the value that NetDesign delivers, ScienceLogic commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study. Download this study to understand the cost savings and business benefits enabled by ScienceLogic’s SL1 platform.

Discover how NetDesign successfully transformed their service delivery operations function and:

  • Reclaimed personnel hours
  • Consolidated tools
  • Avoided fees from unplanned customer downtime