If analytics is the brain of AIOps, then data is the fuel that feeds that brain. Unfortunately, most organizations are feeding their brains a poor diet – it might keep you alive, but you won’t thrive. And somewhere down the road, you’ll likely encounter health problems. So how do you go from a poor diet to a balanced diet? It starts with modernizing, rationalizing, and consolidating your monitoring and observability tools—allowing you to capture the right data, at the right time, in its various forms and locations—establishing a balanced data “diet” that contains all the nutrients your AIOps brain needs.

In this webinar, we’ll explore how ScienceLogic SL1 helps you lay the essential data foundation for your AIOps journey. Better yet, we’ll demonstrate how you can get started today:

  • Consolidate tools and unify monitoring in one platform.
  • Start discovering and monitoring on-premises infrastructure using standard SNMP and WMI protocols.
  • Connect to and monitor cloud resources running inside and out of your datacenter, including “as a Service” (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) solutions.
  • Fuse APM, configuration, change, fault, performance, user/digital experience, log, and relationship data in real-time.
  • Deploy agent and agentless monitoring scenarios.

Presented by: Jared Hensle, Sr. Solutions Marketing Manager and Patrick Hubbard, Director of Technical Marketing | ScienceLogic

Duration: 40 Minutes