Reston, Va. – September 5, 2018 – ScienceLogic, a leader in providing IT operations with actionable insights from IT operational data, announced today that its ScienceLogic SL1 platform has completed certification to be listed on the U.S. Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (DoDIN APL).

ScienceLogic consistently maintains current certifications for DODIN APL and FIPS 140-2.This achievement furthers our pioneering status as industry’s first end-to-end technology platform to conform to the U.S. government’s security and interoperability standards (DODIN APL) and current certified cryptography methods for data encryption and communication between software appliances and storing of passwords (FIPS 140-2).

Continuous engineering investments keep our latest Cloud and Hybrid IT innovations compliant with DODIN APL and FIPS 140-2 ensuring that our defense customers and technology partners  maximize secure operational delivery of   highly dynamic federated cloud systems..

Dave Link, CEO and Founder, ScienceLogic

The DoDIN APL represents the Department of Defense’s master list of secure, trusted and approved technology infrastructure products that have completed Interoperability (IO) and Cybersecurity (CS) certification. The rigorous 39-step process is overseen by the Approved Products Certification Office (APCO) and involves submitting specific documentation, rigorous controlled product testing and program support, incorporating industry best practices and the latest government security standards applicable to a wide variety organizations beyond Department of Defense.

In order to facilitate the prompt completion of the process, ScienceLogic partnered with Corsec Security, Inc, a leader in product security certifications and requirements hardening.

“ScienceLogic’s active participation in federal and regulated industry product security hardening, including listing on the APL, signifies their ongoing commitment to providing the government with highly secure technology used to manage and operate our nation’s critical infrastructure”,  said Jake Nelson, Director of Marketing at Corsec.

For more information on ScienceLogic’s full listing, please visit the DISA APL Integrated Tracking System, or review the ScienceLogic IO Certificate here.

About ScienceLogic
ScienceLogic is a leader in IT Operations Management, providing modern IT operations with actionable insights to predict and resolve problems faster in a digital, ephemeral world. Its solution sees everything across cloud and distributed architectures, contextualizes data through relationship mapping, and acts on this insight through integration and automation. Trusted by thousands of organizations, ScienceLogic’s technology was designed for the rigorous security requirements of United States Department of Defense, proven for scale by the world’s largest service providers, and optimized for the needs of large enterprises. For more information please visit

About Corsec Security, Inc.

For two decades Corsec has assisted companies through the security certification process for FIPS 140-2Common Criteria (CC) and the DoD’s APL. Their certification methodology helps open doors to new markets and increase revenue for clients around the globe. Corsec has created the benchmark for providing business leaders with fast and flexible access to industry knowledge; providing a swift and seamless path to certification while safeguarding against common pitfalls and thwarting delays. For more information please visit

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Media Contact

Sage Communications (for ScienceLogic)
Brian Kelley
